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||Audio Recording - Play Log Entry - Log of Yrah Veil||  Forgive me,  adventurer, for I am new to the strangeness of a tomestone's workings.  For the purposes of this storytelling, I shall refer to you as I do now, as 'you', 'my friend', or 'adventurer'.  I hope that through the use of this...rather unique piece of Allagan technology...I shall be able to share tales of my adventures, and perhaps even the tales of those I call kin or friend. A bit of introduction, perhaps. I am called Yrah Veil. I've had many names to many travelers, but you may call me Yrah.  I am one of the My--....Miqo'te, and an adventurer of no large fame.  I revel in the study of the Aether and of the stars. The sky holds....such a deep fascination for me, for many a reason.   I enjoy food, though I lay no strong claim to being a culinarian of any sort. That talent, I leave to my heart-sister, Rhea, and she has become very skilled in it as of late. So much so, in fact, that I ha